Toddler Environment (18 months to 3 years) 

Blooming Grove Montessori Toddler program welcomes children from 16-36 months.  There is a diverse spectrum of developmental abilities present in the community because of this age span.  Children learn from one another by exploring independently and from the role-modeling of the adult guides.  Having the opportunity to influence and guide young children to experience the world s a kind, caring and amazing place to discover is a gift to us as Montessorians.

Another unique aspect of Blooming Grove Montessori Toddler program is how we recognize and guide a child’s awareness toward self-care.  In our classroom we have children wear thick padded cotton training pants.  The exception being upon arrival and when going home if parents prefer diapers for car rides.  We don’t expect children to potty train through this experience because we see potty training as the work of a child’s family.

We encourage you to take a moment to watch this Montessori video to better understand what your child will experience during their time with us at Blooming Grove Montessori.

Montessori Guide :: Toilet Learning